Professional Astrology Software Free Download for Mac

xiii Best Free Astrology Software For Windows

Hither is the list of All-time Free Astrology Software for Windows which you lot can apply to perform astrological computation for predictions and interpretations. These software draws chart wheels, synastry and composite, draws tables of essential dignities,calculates element and quality balances and allowanalyzing birth aspects. As well, most of them come with an inbuilt interpreter in clear written format which allow you to read all the predictions related to a person's data.

In these astrology software, you need to enter person's data such as name, birth, location, or even more, in club to get all the astrological information. The information is illustrated in different forms like charts and tables. Yous tin can make all the interpretations and predictions using these illustrations based on your cognition of astrology, or may apply an inbuilt interpreter for aid. These software allow you to match the compatibility of two persons by comparison different factors.

Before going along with these software, y'all need to make certain that you have knowledge in astrology to some extent in terms of interpreting Natal Charts or Rasi Charts. Although, some of these software accept inbuilt interpreter to quickly display programmed predictions, just I would recommend y'all to apply your own noesis to interpret the illustrations.

My Favorite Astrology Software

Since I'm non a professional person astrologer, but if really liked astrology, I would recommendAstro-vision Life Sign Mini. Information technology's a groovy vedic star divination software, which provides all the predictions and calculations written in a very understandable mode.

Yet, if y'all are a professional person astrologer or learning astrology and would want a comprehensive astrology software, then Astrolog and What Lookout man would be best suited for you.


Astrolog is a free astrology software for Windows which can hands be used to brand horoscope calculations. The interface is not that pleasing; nonetheless, besides some horoscope calculations, it displayswheels, aspects, midpoints, relationship charts, biorhythms, alternative zodiacs, etc.

The interface starts with a default chart, displaying Zodiac for the twenty-four hour period, hour, and location, with all the houses and plenty of other info color-coded to the chart. The menu bar has a lot to offer. You lot can view different charts such as House wheel, Attribute midpoint grid, Midpoint list, Local horizon, Solar system orbit, Calendar, Influence, Transits, etc. In Graphics tab, you can see the earth map, globe, polar earth, constellation, change display, chart, and tin can alter different color related options. The chart changes every moment, as the planets move. If you want it to go faster, simply animate information technology in breathing tab.

Honestly, the software is a bit complex for a layman. Simply, for an astrologer, it is a handy astrology software. Someone with an in-depth knowledge of planets and houses can rapidly analyze and predict without exploring much into the software.

Information technology also allows yous to draw freely across the interface, to brand things more understandable. You tin save the picture of the generated zodiac cycle, along with the info in different bitmap formats.

What Watch

What Watch is a lightweight astrology software to generate horoscope reports and other related astrological information. It has an advance and really impressive interface, providing quick access to the relevant information.

It is a simple plan, which requires nascence date, name, and identify of the person y'all are creating natal chart for. After entering info, it draws the chart with all the aspects and houses plotted on it. Information technology performs calculations on Swiss Ephemeris, which is best for computing planetary positions. It displays two wheels, so every bit to verify the compatibility betwixt two persons or comparison in general.

The best part about this astrology software is that information technology computes even for the most minor planets and dwarf stars. Likewise, there are hotkeys defined for various functions. It too contains a tutorial, in case you are not able to effigy out how to use it.

Yous can salve a natal chart with complete information entered or even have printout.


Planetdance is a small yet useful astrology software bachelor for Windows and Android devices. Likewise existence a lightweight software, Planetdance comes inbuilt with all the essential features, easily allowing you to perform astrological calculations. It calculates Planets, Radix, Transit, various Progression types, Render types, Composite and Harmonic techniques, Solar Arc, etc. It features techniques similar Midpoints, Gauqelin cusps, etc. You can also check compatibility between two persons.

If you do not have much understanding in reading charts, you tin speedily read out interpretations written in formal and like shooting fish in a barrel to understand language.

Information technology gives multi language support (English, Dutch, French, German, and Shine). It also has basic functionalities including delete, re-create, move, edit, filter, sort etc. You can salve the generated chart or take a printout.


StarFisher is nonetheless another minor astrological software for easily performing astrological calculations. The interface is pleasing and piece of cake to understand. If you accept noesis and passion in star divination, you volition absolutely honey this free astrological software.

As was the example in other astrology software, its doesn't get-go with default current time chart. Instead, it asks for the necessary info first, then draws a birth nautical chart appropriately, along with Aspects, Orbs, and other astrological calculations. While entering information, y'all can choose from different horoscope type. Later washed with that, yous can clearly read the coaction between different planets and the World and make clear interpretations.

You lot can quickly read out Transits Interpretations on how planets are affecting your life.

You lot tin can get all the tutorials hither if yous confront any trouble while dealing with the software.


Astro123 is another small astrology software for performing astrological calculations. Starting of this astrology software is not that pleasing, as it opens up dissimilar interface panels altogether in a mishmash.

Every bit soon equally you enter essential info, such as name, nativity, and place, information technology draws the natal chart with all the Aspects, Orbs, and other astrological info plotted on it. Also, you tin hands bank check other wheels like Natal declination, Heliocentric, Transit, Blended, etc. It allows y'all to read out Natal information, Aspects and Cosmodynes, Cosmic states & cosmodynes, Church of lite aspects, Transits and its related interpretations, etc. It too allows you to await for information of unlike houses separately.

A noteworthy betoken: Capability of generating unlike natal and synastry reports written in a nifty style and easy to sympathise language. The report contains predictions, calculations, and other related information in a clear descriptive manner.

ZET Lite

ZET Low-cal is a complimentary astrology software for professional astrologers and a useful one for astrology students. It has a nice interface and almost all the required features to make a skilful astrological software.

The most fascinating feature is the sky or space tablue. Plenty of astrological formulas or techniques related to given information in the form of tables tin can be seen, such equallyAspect grid, Uranian tabular array, Sandhi table, Bindhu table, Nabulae, Galaxies, Diagram CMSS, Constellation,Star Catalog, Arabic Parts, etc.

Information technology also allows you to interpret for the ongoing subject in Natal, Transit, Progression, Solar, and Lunar. Likewise, you tin always check out the history of all the calculations always washed.

Lastly, you can store all the calculations and interpretations by creating a fresh profile and relieve it to the Database.


Morinus is a gratis and lightweight astrology software built uponSwiss Ephemeris Organization. It has a simplistic interface to use with easy to use features, but of grade for experienced passionate astrologers.

Morinus can easily compute zodiac charts, transits, revolutions, etc. Also, you lot tin can analyze the layout of planets at the time of your birth or whatsoever other time. Not merely simple standardized chart, just yous can also view other types of charts like Solar,Lunar ephemeris, or Zodiacal profections.

It is besides capable of creating charts specifying dissimilar aspects like Transits, Revolutions, Elections, Square, Mundane, etc. You can have a look at dissimilar techniques in the Table menu, such equally Aspects, Speculum, Almutens, Midpoint, Profesion, Zodiacle Parallel, etc.

It allows you make changes to different preference options, like Interface Appearance, Speculums, Dignities, Firm organization, Nodes, Orbs, Directions, Linguistic communication, etc.


Maitreya is a minor astrology software that covers grounds for both Vedic and Western astrology. It is not really a comprehensive astrology software, nevertheless, it even so covers a lot of features and considerably a handy tool for different astrological calculations.

With many standardized features, it makes it easier for astrologers for different interpretations and different calculations. As well, it helps them for further research in the field by different calculation related options.

In Vedic mode, you lot can look for Vargas, Dasa Tree & Graph, Transit view, Yoga view, Ashtakavarga view, and Solar view.

In Western style, you can view Western Nautical chart (nascence nautical chart), Uranian view, Transit view, and Solar view.

Autonomously from these modes, you can likewise accept Ephemeris view, Ecplise view, Hora view, and Partner view at your horoscope.

Jagannath Hora

Jagannath Hora is one of the near popular vedic star divination software to hands make astrological computations. It is a comprehensive software and extremely popular among vedic astrologers around the globe.

This astrology software is very easy to utilize; withal, differs completely from western astrological software. You have to enter various information almost yourself and another person if you want to check the compatibility. After filling upward the required info, y'all can read out the Basics, Chakras, Strenghts, Dasas, Transits, Tajaka, Tithi Pravesh, Mundane, and Miscellany.

It has a really fascinating feature to directly match two persons to cheque compatibility. It checks out and shows all the matching factors out of 36 factors.

Annotation: It's completely vedic oriented, which means, you cannot obtain a western style nautical chart here.

KP StarOne

KP StarOne is a lightweight vedic astrology software. Information technology asks you essential data required to practice all the necessary calculations. Afterward entering the data, it will show yous Rasi Chart, along with other necessary astrological data, such equally Vimshottari Dasa, Planets, and Cusps. Also, you tin can view different Significator like KP, four-step, and Nadi. Moreover, it shows Western Aspects, Angular distances, and different other things.

Information technology has various other utilities, such every bit Business firm rotation, Effect finder, Panchang, Lunar & Solar returns, Theory of short prediction (TSP), etc. You can checkout cue cards, wherein you lot tin can see Planet properties, Diseases by zodiac signs, Parts of body, etc.

You can save the consummate interpretations and the input information in a Database, or tin can generate PDF file for the same.

Astro-vision Life Sign Mini

Astro-vision Life Sign Mini is another popular vedic astrology software for best horoscope calculations. It's an easy to empathize astrological software with predictions and interpretations written in articulate words and no complexity involved.

Not but does it generates horoscopes, but allows you to match the horoscopes of two persons to suggest compatibility; however, matching horoscopes is an online characteristic, all the same free of charge.

Different other star divination software in the list, this one is a textual version. So, as soon as yous generate a horoscope, information technology will come with all the predictions and interpretations written in an piece of cake to understand language. Y'all can chop-chop check out calculations such as Pachanga predictions, SudarshanaChakra, Dasa periods, and other related calculations. Apart from this, it allows to read out Transit Forecast, Favorable periods, and AshtakaVarga Prediction.

Junior Jyotish

Inferior Jyotish is a gratis star divination software that is not simply used by astrologers but also pop among those who are non that much familiar with many astrological concepts. Simply by entering some essential information, it can provide all the predictions and other related horoscopic information.

Past providing information like Name, Nascency, and Identify, y'all can quickly see Chart data, Dashas, Bounded charts, Ephemeris, and SA assay & transits. Y'all can also alter Chart style and color. It also has an inbuilt tutorial that y'all can use to self-educate regarding some specific topics.

It allows you to export the generated chart every bit text also as CSV file. Also, y'all can save the chart or accept a printout.


Jotiz is a really small astrology software, which can be used for a quick access to very few information. It easily lets y'all create and analyze astrological charts such equally Natal chart and Transit chart.

Based on the input information like name, place, and birth, it generates charts and other astrological details such as Lagna, Rashi, Dasa, Lunar day, Nakshaktra, Nadi, Rajju, etc. Too, it displays Cetlic chart, Tree sign, Symbol, and Tree reading. Tree reading is simply a summary of a person's behavior and characteristic.

The Natal and Transit charts tin exist seen in different aspects. Plus, it also allows you lot to alter chart directions.

Professional Astrology Software Free Download for Mac

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